Thursday, November 1, 2012

Spoonology: Have You Got What It Takes??

One of our quirky, yet highly sophisticated, traditions during dinners at the Houston Quilt Festival is Spoonology.  Check it out:
Lyric Kinard demonstrates that she can balance while looking at the spoon.

Frances Holliday Alford is able to laugh and balance at the same time.

Susie Monday can balance glasses and a spoon!
Judy Coates Perez can't keep a straight face with Ms. Napkinhead (aka Frances) nearby.

Indigo Perez  demonstrates her unique style of Spoonology.

Jamie, Norman, and myself at our last dinner @ 8 at Spencer's.

Finally, I want to talk about Norman.  Norman has been our delightful waiter every single year since the Hilton America's opened.  Norman tolerates our antics at the table, our weird & extravagant table decor, and more.  We will miss his gentle demeanor, ever-present smile, and his lovely Jamaican accent.  Because Spencer's is being closed and replaced with a different, non-Hilton restaurant in this space, Norman will be transferred to banquets.  I guess we are going to have to throw a damn banquet next year so we can still see Norman.  Let the planning begin!

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