Thursday, August 13, 2009

New Camera

My husband gave me a new Canon EOS 5D Mark II camera for my birthday. It has been many years since I shot with an SLR, and of course, that was before I owned my first point-and-shoot digital. Not only do I have this camera, but I received a proper lighting set-up. I intend to get serious about shooting better images of my work. Tim mentioned that the telephoto lens has motion stabilization (wha????) in it, which seems unimaginable. I have a steep learning curve awaiting me with this new camera. Bring it!

Here is a link to the specs for the camera:


  1. Yeah for you! The lighting makes all the difference. Have fun with your new camera!

  2. I can't wait to spend time reading the manual and figuring it all out.

  3. What fun you are going to have. That is definitely a "second semester" camera. Rachel


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