Although I don't have the open studios schedule for Long Beach, as yet, I will be there!
If you are planning to attend the quilt festival in Long Beach, please stop by the Quilting Arts Booth. There is always something fun happening there!
Here is the recent QA email blast:
Save the Date! Meet us July 24-26 in Long Beach
We're packing flip-flops and bikinis along with our art supplies for Make It University!™ with Cloth Paper Scissors® at the International Quilt Festival in Long Beach July 24-26, 2009. Won’t you join us?
We'll kick off the festivities on July 23 with a not-to-be-missed luncheon, "Quilting Arts Uncensored: The Stuff You're Not Supposed to Know." Founder and editor-in-chief Pokey Bolton will share funny stories and divulge publishing secrets of how she launched Quilting Arts Magazine®. She’ll also be giving away free magazines and merchandise, so be sure to sign up early and save your place! Also at Make It University!™ Long Beach:
- Open Studios where artists Linda Blinn, Alisa Burke, Lisa Engelbrecht, Jamie Fingal, Leslie Jenison, Jane LaFazio, Melanie Testa, and more will create art and answer your questions.
- Workshops taught by artists and exhibitors.
- Back by popular demand: Our famous ATC (artist trading card) trade.
- And a special ATC trade centered on Melanie Testa's new book, Inspired to Quilt: Creative Experiments in Art Quilt Imagery. Check Melanie's blog on for more details.
Find out how to sign up for Pokey's luncheon and get updates on the artists and other festivities on our website. |
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