Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Preparing to travel

I leave on Saturday to take our youngest daughter back to college for her sophomore year @ SUNY Purchase (near White Plains NY).  We move her into the dorm on Sunday, 8/30, and she begins classes the following day.  It should be a relatively easy move this time, as we left most of her dorm-room stuff in a storage unit.  I hope this proves to be the case....
Tim and I leave for Europe from New York on 9/1 for just over 2 weeks.  He has a trade show in Amsterdam the 2nd week of our stay.  We decided to arrive early and leave the first week unplanned.  I have no idea where we are going other than that we will fly in and out of Amsterdam.
With luck (and decent internet service) I will be writing about our travels.  I'm taking my new camera, and hope to upload some photos as I write.  
I have everything packed in a carry-on bag.  I'm very pleased about this, given the fact that I'm hauling a much larger camera and 2 (possibly 3) lenses.  Several packets of Woolite will be used to deal with my shortage of clothing.  Keep your fingers crossed.  I plan to carry a very small day-pack in lieu of a purse, but will use a travel-wallet (one of those things with a long strap) to keep my passport close.
I find it more than a little humorous that I can travel this lightly to Europe and I take everything but the kitchen sink when I attend the Houston quilt festival (there will be an article about this in the newest Quilting Arts publication this fall).
I think I'll photograph my packing system and add some shots later.


  1. Have a marvelous trip. I would love to see how you manage to pack so little for a 2-week trip, especially when I think back to Festival in Long Beach and how many? Hmmm...3 luggage carts full? Can't wait to read all about your adventures. Be safe and well.

  2. Ironic, isn't it?! Honestly, it does seem outside the realm of possibility that I could travel for over 2 weeks in one bag, given the obscene amount of "stuff" we had in Long Beach! Ha!
    Seriously, I'll take a photo of my bag.....


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