Monday, August 10, 2009


Leslie, age 1, August 10, 1955

I'm 55 years old today! I relish each year of my life and simply don't understand when others complain about aging.

I'm feeling sentimental. Here are a few of my thoughts:
I miss my mother, father, and sister. Today, and every day of my life.
I have a wonderful husband who is truly the most interesting person I know. I do not have words to define what this man means to me.
Three daughters who have each given me more joy than I can hold. I'm honored to be their mother.
I have a truly incredible array of friends, who have laughed and cried with me, made art with me, flown with me, held my hand when it needed holding, "smacked me up the side of the head" when I needed smacking. Thank you for the gift of your friendship.

Every single day is precious. This is not a dress rehearsal.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday to you. I celebrate you and our friendship. I am so glad that you were born so that we could be friends. I am so blessed to have you in my life - so celebrate and do it well - like for the next month. Love you.


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