Thursday, July 22, 2010

Arriving in Long Beach: hanging Beneath The Surface

Jamie and I arrived in Long Beach this morning to hang the Beneath the Surface exhibition.  Between the personal luggage, the workshop/Open Studios supplies, and the quilts for Beneath the Surface, we got our money's-worth from the bellmen.  Here we go!
Do you think we have enough stuff??

Our fearless hanging crew (l-r):  Pamela Kleibaum, Jamie, Jayne Larson, Leslie, Sherry Kleinman, & Loris Bogue (Joanell Connolly was part of the crew but left before lunch)
Thank you all!

L-R: Iris Karp, Judy Coates-Perez, Jamie, and I
Notice Iris trying to get in the reflection??  Too funny!

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