Monday, July 11, 2011

Garden Bird Bath Upgrade

My bird bath had been accidentally knocked over by my yard mowers and the bowl broke off the base.  I have been looking around for a replacement with some level of urgency because the heat is making access to a clean water source critical for the birds.  I was fortunate to arrive at the Wild Birds Unlimited store just as he was taking delivery of several new bird baths and I grabbed this one.  I'm so happy with it:  it has a deeper bowl for water, it is VERY heavy, and it integrates well into my garden environment.  I think it is beautiful.

Open For Business!


  1. It looks as if it were made for your landscape! Beautiful.

  2. Thanks, Gerrie. So far, I've had a lot of happy customers! I moved the bowl from the previous one to a spot close to my studio windows and I've been amazed at how many bird like to use this spot, too. It makes for wonderful entertainment, and hopefully helps the birds.

  3. A perfect fit - it looks like it belongs and sort of grew there!

  4. That is what I love best about it. It does look great and the birds seem to like that it is a bit deeper. They are getting in and taking baths!

  5. I love the natural style ... it looks like a big overgrown mushroom!

  6. It DOES look like a mushroom! Maybe a Flintstone mushroom.


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