Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Pink chair meets Orange chair

Home Depot spray paint colors aren't very much fun.  I did the best I could, but I think I may need to make a trip to Michaels.  I wanted a coral color and a candy-apple red.  I got red-red, and no coral, and I found some purples that interest me.  I got black, too, thinking I might want to do black and white "checks" around the edge of the table.  I did make some progress:
 meet orange chair
pink chair faints from envy


  1. LOL! What is the pink chair going to do if you find coral?

  2. I love them! (Your grass is going to be interesting for a few days, too.) ;^)

  3. :-)
    One can only imagine! LOL
    I need to make a trip to Michaels to see if they have coral spray paint.
    Stay tuned!

  4. Yes, the grass will be, er, colorful for awhile. Since I don't like grass very much I'm not very nice to it. The last time I painted the chairs I was nicer.
    So far, no comments from my spouse....:-)


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